- Define 'sphericity' for a non-spherical particle
- What is 'blinding' of screens?
- Cumulative analysis for determining surface is more precise than differential analysis. Why?
- Differentiate between Grizzlies and Trommels
- Define Rittinger's law of crushing
- The operating speed of a ball mill should be less than the critical speed.
- Define angle of nip for a roll crusher
- What is distintegrator?
- What is flotation? Give some of its applications
- Define 'free settling'
- Name the commonly used centrifuges for industrial applications
- Differentiate between a thickener and a clarifier
- What are filter aids? Name few commonly used filter aids
- Give the classification of filters
- Define compressibility coefficient of the cake
- Explain the Kozeny's equation for determining the pressure drop across the cake for batch filtration
- Differentiate between agitation and mixing
- What are the main types of impellers?
- Define flow number
- Write the physical significance of Froude's number in agitation of fluids
Part B (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)
- (a) Derive the expression for the effectiveness of a screen. How does this vary with capacity?
(b) (i) What are the three types of industrial screens and how they are employed?
(ii) Explain the principle of electrostatic precipitation in gas cleaning
- (a) State and derive the expression for the three basic laws of size reduction. What is the size range of feed for their applicability?
(b) (i) With the help of a neat sketch explain the working of a conical ball mill
(ii) What is critical speed of a grinding mill? Deduce a relation between the critical speed and diameter of a ball mill
- (a) Discuss the basic principles involved in the benefication of ores by froth flotation. With suitable examples, explain the roll of collectors, frothing agents and modifiers in the operation
(b) (i) Discuss Stoke's law and indicate its limitations and applications
(ii) Discuss how the area of a thickener can be calculated from batch sedimentation data
- (a) Explain the working of a vacuum drum filter with a neat sketch and specify the fields of application
(b) Write short notes on:
(i) Constant pressure and constant rate filtration
(ii) Classification and selection of filtration equipments
(iii) Ultra-filtration
- (a) By dimensional analysis, derive the relationship between various dimensionless groups for estimation of power consumption for a turbine mixer
(b) (i) Compare the performance, characteristics and applications of paddle, turbine and propeller type mixers
(ii) Suggest with reasons, suitable mixing equipment for mixing of dry powder.