Chemical Reaction Engineering - Questions

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  1. Discuss the thermodynamic restrictions on the progress of reversible reactions.
  2. Develop an expression for the specific reaction rate constant based on activated complex theory.
  3. Distinguish between the methods available for establishing the kinetics of chemical reactions from the data obtained in a batch or continuous reactor.
  4. Compare the performances and merits of the plug flow and the stirred tank reactors behaving ideally.
  5. Derive expressions for the overall conversions for a reaction of known order.
  6. A homogeneous first order reaction is carried out in a batch reactor under adiabatic conditions. Develop a suitable method to find the relation temperature-conversion-time. State the assumptions made.
  7. Briefly explain the E and the F - curves. Draw the E and the F - curves for series and parallel combinations of one plug flow and one stirred tank reactors with unequal volumes. Comment.
  8. Differentiate between an elementary and a non-elementary reaction with suitable examples.
  9. What is understood by order of a chemical reaction? How is this different from "molecularity of the reaction", if a difference between the two exists.
  10. Discuss Arrhenius, Collision, and Transition state theories of temperature dependence of reaction rates.
  11. Derive an expression for the concentration in the N-th reactor, if N equal sized stirred tank reactors are assembled in series. Assume first order reaction.
  12. Discuss, how best you will arrange two unequal-sized stirred tank reactors for a given conversion and reaction order.
  13. Derive the relation between conversion and temperature for an adiabatic reactor using the energy balance and explain how you determine the reactor size for adiabatic operation of a plug flow and a stirred tank reactor.
  14. Discuss the principles of reactor stability and how it is established in a stirred tank reactor. Show qualitatively how endothermic reactions are always stable.
  15. Briefly discuss the models to explain the non-ideal behavior of tubular reactors. Describe one experiment to evaluate the parameters in any one of the models.
  16. What do you understand by "order of a reaction"? Indicate the methods available for determining the order of a given reaction.
  17. An elementary reaction A → R → S, takes place in a mixed flow reactor. Find the condition for maximum concentration of R. What is its value? (Assume no R and S initially)
  18. "There exists a conversion below which the performance of a mixed flow reactor is better or at least equal to that of plug flow reactor for adiabatic exothermic reaction" - Explain.
  19. Discuss briefly the shrinking core model used for describing the global rate of fluid-solid non-catalytic reactions, and outline design methods for such reactions.
  20. Explain the different models for gas-solid non-catalytic reactions of the type,
  21. A(g) + bB(s) → E(g) + F(s)

  22. Discuss the differences between chemisorption and physical adsorption and their role in catalytic reactions.
  23. Discuss the effect of mass and heat transfer on the performance of industrial catalytic reactors.
  24. Compare the performance of fluidized-bed, trickle-bed and slurry reactors.
  25. A first order reaction is to be treated in a series of two mixed reactors. Show that the total volume of the two reactors is minimum when the reactors are equal in size.
  26. What is understood by 'optimum temperature progression'? Illustrate with an example of reversible exothermic reaction using a given feed material.
  27. Compare the performance of an adiabatic and an isothermal reactor, choosing an example of an exothermic reaction.

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Last Modified on: 04-Feb-2022

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