1998-1-1-math The Laplace transform of the function \(e^{-at}\) has the form:
2004-1-math The inverse Laplace transform of the function \(\displaystyle f(s) = \frac {1}{s(1+s)} \) is
2014-2-math For the time domain function \(f(t) = t^2\), which ONE of the following is the Laplace transform of \(\ \displaystyle \int _0^t f(t)dt \ \)?
2016-2-math The Laplace transform of \(e^{at} \sin (bt)\) is
EC-2012-11-math The unilateral Laplace transform of \(f(t)\) is \(\dfrac {1}{s^2+s+1}\). The unilateral Laplace transform of \(tf(t)\) is
2007-27-math The Laplace transform of \(\displaystyle f(t) = \frac {1}{\sqrt {t}}\) is
2008-22-math The Laplace transform of the function \(f(t) = t \sin t\) is
2017-27-math The Laplace transform of function is \(\dfrac {s+1}{s(s+2)}\). The initial and final values, respectively, of the function are
1994-4-a-math Match the items in the left column with the appropriate items in the right column.
(I) \(\cosh (at)\)
(A) \(a/(s^2+a^2)\)
(II) \(\sinh (at)\)
(B) \(a/(s^2-a^2)\)
(C) \(s/(s^2-a^2)\)
(D) \(s/(s^2+a^2)\)
2001-4-math Laplace transforms: Show that the Laplace transform of \(e^{\omega t}\) is \[\mathcal{L}\left[e^{\omega t}\right] = \frac{1}{s-\omega}\] Show from (a) that: \[\mathcal{L}\left[\sinh(\omega t)\right] = \frac{\omega}{s^2-\omega^2}\] Show from (b) that: \[\mathcal{L}\left[\sin(\omega t)\right] = \frac{\omega}{s^2+\omega^2}\]
Last Modified on: 03-May-2024
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