0800-1-ctrl The characteristic equation of a process is: \[ C = \frac{G_1G_2}{1+G_1G_2H}R + \frac{G_2}{1+G_1G_2H}U\] The open-loop transfer function is:
1995-1-r-ctrl The root locus method, a pole of a transfer function \(G(s)\) is the value of \(s\) for which \(G(s)\) approaches:
1997-1-25-ctrl The open-loop transfer function of a process is \(K\dfrac {(s+1)(s+4)}{(s+2)(s+3)}\). In the root locus diagram, the poles will be at
1998-1-23-ctrl The Root locus plot of the roots of the characteristic equation of a closed loop system having the open loop transfer function \[ \frac {K(s+1)}{s(2s+1)(3s+1)} \] will have a definite number of loci for variation of \(K\) from 0 to \(\infty \). The number
of loci is
P. Pole in the right half plane
I. Stable response
Q. Pole at origin
II. Integrating response
R. Zero in the right half plane
III. Unstable response
IV. Inverse response
1993-26-b-ctrl A closed loop feedback control system consists of a second order process \[ G_p(s) = \frac {K_p}{(\tau _1s + 1) (\tau _2s + 1)} \] and a proportional controller \(G_c(s) = K_c\). The roots of characteristic equation of the closed loop system are \(-2\)
and \(-1\) in absence of controller and roots are \(-1.5 \pm 0.5i\) when \(K_c = 4\). (A) Determine (i) \(K_p\), (ii) \(\tau _1\), (iii) \(\tau _2\). (i) \(K_p\) (ii) \(\tau _1\) (ii) \(\tau _1\) (B) Determine the maximum value of \(K_c\) so that the response of the system to a step input is non-oscillatory.
1994-28-ctrl The characteristic equation of a closed loop control system is \[s^4 + 4 s^3 + 6 s^2 + 2 s + 3 = 0 \] The system is
Which of the systems having the following transfer functions is stable?
1997-27-ctrl A control system is shown below.
Using the Routh test, determine the value of \(K_c\), at which the system just becomes unstable.
1998-24-ctrl The characteristic equation of a closed loop control system is \[0.25 s^3 + 0.8 s^2 + 5.6 s + 1 + 0.35 K = 0 \] Find the limiting value of \(K\), above which the closed loop system will be unstable.
1995-29-ctrl The transfer function of a process, measuring device, controller and control valve, respectively is given by \[ G_p = \frac {K_p}{(s+1)(s+4)}; \quad \quad G_m=1; \quad \quad G_c=K_c; \quad \quad G_v=1 \] The root locus diagram of the system is given in
Last Modified on: 02-May-2024
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